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Revitalize Your Confidence: Best Hair Transplant Treatment at La Clinique

Hair Transplant is a transformative and advanced surgical procedure designed to address hair loss by relocating hair follicles from one part of the body (donor site) to the bald or thinning areas (recipient site). This procedure is a long-term solution to restore natural hair growth, offering individuals the opportunity to regain a full and youthful head of hair.

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Advantages of Hair Transplant for Men & Women

Natural-Looking Results

Hair Transplant provides natural-looking results that seamlessly blend with existing hair. The transplanted hair grows and behaves like natural hair, enhancing overall aesthetics.

Permanent Solution

Unlike temporary solutions like wigs or topical treatments, a Hair Transplant offers a permanent solution to hair loss. The transplanted hair is resistant to further loss, providing lasting results.

Improved Self-Esteem

Restoring a full head of hair often leads to increased self-esteem and confidence. The psychological impact of regaining one's natural appearance is profound.

Customized Hairline Transplant

Hair Transplants allow for a customized and natural-looking hairline design, ensuring that the results complement individual facial features and preferences.

Suitable for Men and Women

Hair Transplants are equally effective for both men and women, addressing various types of hair loss patterns and contributing to a more youthful and vibrant appearance.

Promising Best Quality Treatments

What are the Steps in Hair Transplant Treatment?


The journey begins with a comprehensive consultation where the patient's unique hair loss condition is assessed, and an individualized treatment plan is developed.

Donor Hair Extraction

Hair follicles are carefully extracted from the donor site, typically the back or sides of the scalp, where hair is genetically resistant to balding.

Recipient Site Preparation

The recipient site, the area where hair will be transplanted, is prepared by creating tiny incisions to ensure the precise placement of transplanted hair follicles.

Hair Follicle Transplantation

The extracted hair follicles are meticulously transplanted into the recipient site, adhering to the natural hair growth pattern for a seamless and natural look.

Post-Procedure Care

Patients receive detailed post-procedure care instructions, including information on activities to avoid, medications, and follow-up appointments to monitor progress.

Expertize care for you!

Our Specialists Doctors

Meet our distinguished team of experienced dermatologists at La Clinique, dedicated to delivering unparalleled expertise in skin, hair, and dental treatments in Hyderabad, ensuring your well-being and beauty are in the most capable hands.

Dr. Amulya Nemarugommula


A highly skilled and compassionate dermatologist with a passion for helping her patients look and feel the best, Dr. Amulya N has been changing lives for years. With an MD (D.V.L) degree and a wealth of experience, she has been successfully running a leading skin, hair and dental clinic in Dubai with a proud client base of over 20,000 happy customers. 

Dr. Mili Sinha​

MBBS, PGD in Dermatology in Clinical Practice (UK), Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine, PG Diploma in Trichology.

Meet Dr. Mili Sinha, a highly skilled and professional cosmetologist with years of experience in the field, practicing in Delhi and NCR. Her approach is centered around understanding each patient’s unique concerns and developing a tailored treatment plan that delivers natural-looking results without any side-effects.


1. Is Hair Transplant Painful?
Local anesthesia is administered during the procedure, minimizing discomfort. Patients may experience mild pain or soreness the hair transplant surgery, which can be managed with prescribed medications.
2. How long does it take to See Results?
While some initial results may be visible within a few months, the full outcome of a Hair Transplant typically becomes apparent around 9-12 months post-procedure as the transplanted hair grows naturally.
3. Is Hair Transplant Suitable for All Types of Hair Loss?
Hair Transplant is effective for various types of hair loss, including male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness, and certain types of alopecia. A thorough consultation helps determine suitability.
4. Can I Cut or Style Transplanted Hair?
Yes, transplanted hair can be cut, styled, and treated just like natural hair. It continues to grow and behaves like the surrounding hair.
5. Are There Any Long-Term Side Effects?
Hair Transplant is a safe and established procedure with minimal long-term side effects. Some temporary redness, swelling or numbness in the treated areas may occur but typically resolves within a few days.

Get in touch with us

Rediscover the joy of a full head of hair and regain your confidence with Best Hair Transplant Treatment at La Clinique, Hair Transplant Clinic in Hyderabad. Our skilled professionals, state-of-the-art facilities and personalized approach ensure a transformative experience tailored to your unique needs. Take the first step towards a revitalized appearance and renewed confidence. Schedule a consultation today and embark on your journey to natural, lasting hair restoration. Your path to a fuller, more vibrant head of hair begins at La Clinique.