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Transform Your Smile: Braces for Teeth & Teeth Aligners at La Clinique, Hyderabad

Looking for Best Dental Clinic for Braces?

La Clinique is your trusted destination for comprehensive healthcare solutions in Hyderabad. Today, we offer our specialized Braces & Aligners services, dedicated to achieving beautiful and confident smiles.

Why Braces for Teeth or Teeth Aligners Are Needed?

Correcting Malocclusions

Braces and aligners are essential for correcting malocclusions such as crowding, gaps (spacing), proclinations, openbites, deepbites, and crossbites. These issues not only impact aesthetics, but also oral health.

Improving Functionality

Orthodontic treatments enhance the functionality of your bite, ensuring that teeth align correctly for efficient chewing and speaking.

Preventing Long-Term Issues

Addressing malocclusions early with braces or aligners can prevent long-term dental issues such as excessive wear, jaw pain and difficulty in maintaining oral hygiene.

Difference Between Braces & Aligners



Benefits of Wearing Braces or Aligners

Enhanced Aesthetics

Achieve a straighter and more aesthetically pleasing smile, boosting confidence and self-esteem.

Improved Oral Health

Correcting malocclusions facilitates easier cleaning, reducing the risk of cavities, gum disease, and other dental issues.

Bite Correction

Braces and aligners address bite irregularities, improving overall oral function and reducing strain on the jaw.

Tailored Solutions

La Clinique offers personalized treatment plans, ensuring that braces or aligners cater to your specific needs and goals.

Confidence Boost

A beautifully aligned smile not only contributes to oral health but also enhances your overall facial aesthetics, boosting confidence in social and professional settings.

How to Maintain Hygiene for your Braces and Aligners?



Expertize care for you!

Our Specialists Dentist

Meet our distinguished team of experienced dermatologists at La Clinique, dedicated to delivering unparalleled expertise in skin, hair, and dental treatments in Hyderabad, ensuring your well-being and beauty are in the most capable hands.

Dr. Ravitheja Vadali

B.D.S., M.D.S. (Orthodontics), F.A.G.E.

Meet Dr. Ravitheja Vadali, your friendly neighborhood orthodontist! With over 2 years of experience as a consultant orthodontist and more than 13 years of practice in general dentistry, Dr. Vadali is your go-to expert for all your dental needs.


1. Will Braces or Aligners Affect My Speech?
Initially, there may be an adjustment period, but with practice, speech typically returns to normal.
2. Are Braces Painful?
There may be discomfort initially and after adjustments, but it is manageable and temporary.
3. How Long Does Treatment Take?
The duration varies based on the complexity of the case. Your orthodontist provides a timeline during the initial consultation.
4. Can I Eat Normally with Braces or Aligners?
Certain food restrictions apply with braces. Aligners should be removed during meals to avoid damage.
5. Are Braces or Aligners Suitable for Adults?
Yes, orthodontic treatments are suitable for individuals of all ages. La Clinique offers options catering to adult lifestyles and preferences.

Get in touch with us

Your perfectly aligned smile with La Clinique's Braces & Aligners services is just a call away. Our experienced orthodontists, personalized treatment plans, and state-of-the-art technology converge to provide you with effective solutions tailored to your unique dental needs. Rediscover the joy of smiling with confidence at La Clinique – where your journey to a beautiful smile begins.