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Revitalize Your Skin: Experience the Vampire Facial at La Clinique

The Vampire Facial, also known as Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, is a revolutionary cosmetic procedure that harnesses the natural healing and regenerative properties of your own blood. The procedure involves extracting a small amount of blood, processing it to isolate platelets, and then reintroducing the platelet-rich plasma back into the skin. This promotes collagen production and enhances overall complexion.

Benefits of Vampire Skin Treatment

Collagen Boost

The growth factors in PRP stimulate collagen production, improving skin elasticity and reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

Tightened Skin

The Vampire Facial helps tighten loose or sagging skin, providing a youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

Enhanced Texture and Tone

PRP encourages cell turnover, leading to improved skin texture, tone, and a radiant complexion.

Reduced Hyperpigmentation

The treatment aids in reducing dark spots and hyperpigmentation, creating a more even skin tone.

Natural and Safe

Since the procedure uses your own blood, the Vampire Facial is a natural and safe way to achieve skin rejuvenation.

How Long Do the Effects of Vampire Facial Last?

The duration of the effects varies from person to person. Typically, patients notice immediate improvements in skin texture and tone after the first session. The benefits continue to evolve over the following weeks as collagen production is stimulated. Maintenance sessions may be recommended to prolong the results, and the effects can last up to 12-18 months, depending on individual factors and skincare practices.

Promising Best Quality Treatments

Procedure of a Vampire Facial

Blood Extraction

A small amount of blood is drawn from your arm, similar to a routine blood test.


The drawn blood is placed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from other blood components.


The skin is prepared with micro-needling to create micro-injuries, allowing better absorption of the PRP.

Application of PRP

The platelet-rich plasma is then carefully applied to the treated area, stimulating collagen production and rejuvenating the skin.


Minimal downtime is associated with the Vampire Facial. Some redness and mild swelling may occur, but these effects usually subside within a few days.

Promising Best Quality Treatments

Procedure of a Vampire Facial

Blood Extraction

A small amount of blood is drawn from your arm, similar to a routine blood test.


The drawn blood is placed in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from other blood components.


The skin is prepared with micro-needling to create micro-injuries, allowing better absorption of the PRP.

Application of PRP

The platelet-rich plasma is then carefully applied to the treated area, stimulating collagen production and rejuvenating the skin.


Minimal downtime is associated with the Vampire Facial. Some redness and mild swelling may occur, but these effects usually subside within a few days.

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Our Specialists Doctors

Meet our distinguished team of experienced dermatologists at La Clinique, dedicated to delivering unparalleled expertise in skin, hair, and dental treatments in Hyderabad, ensuring your well-being and beauty are in the most capable hands.

Dr. Amulya Nemarugommula


A highly skilled and compassionate dermatologist with a passion for helping her patients look and feel the best, Dr. Amulya N has been changing lives for years. With an MD (D.V.L) degree and a wealth of experience, she has been successfully running a leading skin, hair and dental clinic in Dubai with a proud client base of over 20,000 happy customers. 

Dr. Mili Sinha​

MBBS, PGD in Dermatology in Clinical Practice (UK), Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine, PG Diploma in Trichology.

Meet Dr. Mili Sinha, a highly skilled and professional cosmetologist with years of experience in the field, practicing in Delhi and NCR. Her approach is centered around understanding each patient’s unique concerns and developing a tailored treatment plan that delivers natural-looking results without any side-effects.


1. What is a Vampire Facial, and how does it work?
A Vampire Facial, also known as Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) facial, involves the extraction of a small amount of the patient’s blood. The blood is then processed to isolate platelet-rich plasma, which is rich in growth factors. The PRP is applied topically or injected into the skin to stimulate collagen production, improve texture, and rejuvenate the skin.
2. What skin concerns can be addressed with a Vampire Facial?
A Vampire Facial is effective for addressing various skin concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, uneven skin tone, and overall skin texture. It promotes natural collagen formation, leading to improved skin elasticity and a more youthful appearance.
3. Is Vampire Facial a painful procedure, and what is the downtime?
The procedure is generally well-tolerated, and any discomfort is minimized through the use of a topical anesthetic. Patients may experience mild redness or swelling immediately after the treatment, but this usually subsides within a day. There is minimal downtime, allowing patients to resume their normal activities shortly after the procedure.
The number of sessions needed varies based on individual skin concerns and treatment goals. While some patients may see improvement after one session, a series of treatments is often recommended for optimal and long-lasting results. Our dermatologists will create a personalized treatment plan during the consultation.
5. Are there any side effects or contraindications for the Vampire Facial?
Side effects are generally minimal, with the most common being temporary redness or swelling. Since the procedure uses the patient’s own blood components, the risk of allergic reactions is minimal. However, individuals with certain medical conditions may not be suitable candidates. Our dermatologists will conduct a thorough assessment to ensure the procedure is safe for you.

Get in touch with us

Experience the transformative benefits of the Vampire Facial at La Clinique, where science and nature converge to revitalize your skin. Our Vampire Facial offers a natural and safe alternative to traditional cosmetic procedures, harnessing the power of your body's own healing mechanisms.

Indulge in the luxury of radiant, youthful skin with the Vampire Facial. Contact La Clinique today to schedule a consultation and embark on a journey to a more confident and rejuvenated you. Your radiant and revitalized skin awaits.