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Your Trusted Partner in Acne and Scar Treatment in Hyderabad

Understanding Acne Scars

Acne scars can be a persistent reminder of past skin troubles, affecting not only your physical appearance, but also your confidence. These scars result from the body's natural healing process after severe acne. When the skin pores become clogged with excess oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells, it can lead to inflammation and, in severe cases, scarring.

But, not to worry! La Clinique's Acne and Scar Treatment in Hyderabad is here at your rescue…

La Clinique, nestled in the heart of Hyderabad, understands the impact that acne scars can have on your self-esteem. Our specialized Acne and Scar Treatment is designed to address these concerns effectively, offering you a path towards smoother, clearer skin.

Our Approach to Acne Scar Treatment

At La Clinique, we pride ourselves on providing the best treatment for scars on the face, utilizing state-of-the-art technology and the expertise of our skilled dermatologists.

Our comprehensive approach includes:

Laser Treatment for Scars

Our laser treatments are at the forefront of scar removal technology. The precision and effectiveness of laser therapy help stimulate collagen production and promote skin regeneration. Whether you're dealing with pimple scars, our laser treatments are tailored to your specific needs.

Personalized Scar Treatment Plans

Recognizing that each individual's skin is unique, our dermatologists at La Clinique create personalized treatment plans. This ensures that you receive the most effective and targeted care for your specific type of acne scars.

Cutting-Edge Techniques

We stay abreast of the latest advancements in scar treatment. Our commitment to using cutting-edge techniques enables us to provide you with the best scar treatment available in the field of dermatology.

What to Expect from Treatment of Acne Scars?

Embarking on the journey to smoother, scar-free skin with La Clinique comes with certain expectations:

Visible Improvement

Our treatments aim not only to reduce the appearance of scars but also to enhance the overall texture and tone of your skin. You can expect a visible improvement in the treated areas.

Minimal Downtime

We understand the value of your time. Our treatments are designed to have minimal downtime, allowing you to resume your daily activities with little interruption.

Gradual Progress

Acne scar treatment is a process that takes time. While some improvements may be noticeable early on, the full results will gradually unfold over the course of your treatment plan.

What to Expect from Treatment of Acne Scars?

Embarking on the journey to smoother, scar-free skin with La Clinique comes with certain expectations:

Visible Improvement

Our treatments aim not only to reduce the appearance of scars but also to enhance the overall texture and tone of your skin. You can expect a visible improvement in the treated areas.

Minimal Downtime

We understand the value of your time. Our treatments are designed to have minimal downtime, allowing you to resume your daily activities with little interruption.

Gradual Progress

Acne scar treatment is a process that takes time. While some improvements may be noticeable early on, the full results will gradually unfold over the course of your treatment plan.

Why to take Consultation for Acne Scars?

Before embarking on any scar treatment journey, it is crucial to seek professional guidance. La Clinique emphasizes the significance of a consultation with our experienced dermatologists so that you get

Promising Best Quality Treatments

The Process of Consultation for Acne Scars

Skin Assessment

Our dermatologists will examine your skin, identifying the type and severity of your acne scars.

Discussion of Concerns

We encourage open communication. Share your concerns and goals, allowing us to tailor the treatment plan to meet your expectations.

Medical History Review

Understanding your medical history is crucial in ensuring the safety and efficacy of the chosen treatment. Our dermatologists will review your medical background during the consultation.

Education on Treatment Options

You will be provided with information about the available treatment options, including laser treatment for scars and other advanced techniques.

Customized Treatment Plan

Based on the assessment and discussions, our dermatologists will create a customized treatment plan that aligns with your skin's needs and your expectations

Expertize care for you!

Our Specialists Doctors

Meet our distinguished team of experienced dermatologists at La Clinique, dedicated to delivering unparalleled expertise in skin, hair, and dental treatments in Hyderabad, ensuring your well-being and beauty are in the most capable hands.

Dr. Amulya Nemarugommula


A highly skilled and compassionate dermatologist with a passion for helping her patients look and feel the best, Dr. Amulya N has been changing lives for years. With an MD (D.V.L) degree and a wealth of experience, she has been successfully running a leading skin, hair and dental clinic in Dubai with a proud client base of over 20,000 happy customers. 

Dr. Mili Sinha​

MBBS, PGD in Dermatology in Clinical Practice (UK), Fellowship in Aesthetic Medicine, PG Diploma in Trichology.

Meet Dr. Mili Sinha, a highly skilled and professional cosmetologist with years of experience in the field, practicing in Delhi and NCR. Her approach is centered around understanding each patient’s unique concerns and developing a tailored treatment plan that delivers natural-looking results without any side-effects.


1. How do I determine the right treatment for my acne?
Determining the right treatment involves assessing the type and severity of your acne. Our experienced dermatologists will conduct a thorough examination and may recommend a personalized skincare regimen, prescription medications, or in-office procedures based on your unique skin needs.
2. Can acne scars be completely removed?
While complete removal may not always be possible, significant improvement in the appearance of acne scars can be achieved through various treatments. Our dermatologists will assess your scars and recommend appropriate procedures such as laser therapy, chemical peels, or microneedling to minimize their visibility.
3. How long does it take to see results from acne treatments?
The timeline for results varies depending on the chosen treatment and individual response. Some patients may notice improvement within a few weeks, while others may take several months. Our dermatologists will provide realistic expectations and guide you through the process, ensuring optimal results.
4. Are there any side effects associated with acne treatments?
Some acne treatments may have temporary side effects such as dryness, redness, or peeling. Our dermatologists will carefully discuss potential side effects with you and provide guidance on managing them. It’s essential to communicate any concerns or unexpected reactions during the treatment process.
5. Is it necessary to follow a specific skincare routine during acne treatment?
Yes, a tailored skincare routine is crucial for successful acne management. Our dermatologists will recommend suitable cleansers, moisturizers, and topical treatments based on your skin type and the prescribed medications. Consistency with the recommended routine is essential for achieving and maintaining clear skin.

Get in touch with us

La Clinique is dedicated to being your trusted partner in the journey towards scar-free, radiant skin. Our Acne and Scar Treatment in Hyderabad combines expertise, cutting-edge technology, and personalized care to deliver the best possible results. Take the first step towards a more confident you by scheduling a consultation with our experienced dermatologists at La Clinique. Your path to smoother, scar-free skin begins here.